about me
Columbus, OH
Wife - Laura Roberts Hensley
Married August 15, 1981
Children - Brian, Ben and Tyler
Core Beliefs and Calling:
I love the Lord, and His infallible Word. I love and cherish my wife Laura, and our three grown sons. I love God’s people and am an exhorter. I value the Fruit of the Spirit evidenced in Love, Kindness and Gentleness. I have been used of God to come along not only healthy congregations, but at times hurting and discouraged congregations, to walk with them through pain and hurt, to experience revitalization and a renewed sense of purpose! I believe there are basically two kinds of people we meet: “Basement People,” who bring you down, and “Balcony People,” who lift you up! I am decidedly a Balcony Person!
Hardin Simmons University
Abilene, Texas. Bachelor of Behavioral Science Degree Religion - 1984.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, Texas. Masters Degree in Religious Education - 1987.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, Texas. Doctoral Degree in Educational Ministry, with an emphasis in Leadership - 2005.
Licensed into the ministry by View Baptist Church,
View, Texas, 1982.
Ordained into the ministry by Circle Drive Baptist Church,
Colorado Springs, Colorado,1988
Ministerial Experience
Senior Pastor
Pikes Peak Park Baptist Church - Colorado Springs, Colorado
September 2018 – Present.
Guided the church to adopt a team ministry strategy based on the five functions of the New Testament Church.
Advised the church to enhance facilities to include parking lot appearance and bathroom updates.
Led the church to design a new website.
Spearheaded an unprecedented outreach into the community, emphasizing friendship ministry, to include an Easter extravaganza, with over 600 in attendance.
Provided backpacks for over 300 community kids, provided over 90 coats for needy children in the community.
Developed a homeless ministry to provide gift bags of life essentials.
Added part-time staff to include Director of Music and Education, and Children’s Director.
Started a Pastor’s Bible Study class on Sunday mornings.
Co-Founded a monthly outreach and breakfast to area pastors.
Proactive during the Covid-19 Virus of 2020, ministering to families in the community by leading the church to provide 75+ lunches a day for children and the elderly.
Developed a live streaming ministry for the Sunday morning service and Wednesday mid-week prayer service, shown on Facebook, YouTube and the church’s website.
Before Covid-19, worship attendance had increased by 30% and have had many additions to church membership.
Led to have a Fall-Festival - 2020 - to provide free pumpkins/candy, etc. to the community.
Provided Thanksgiving Baskets to the needy of the church and community.
Led in having an Angel Tree, having church members adopt needy children of the community to provide Christmas gifts to them.
Senior Pastor
Hilltop Baptist Church - Green River, Wyoming
April 2008 – September 2018
Provided pastoral leadership through preaching, pastoral care, counseling and administration.
Supervised the work of church office staff of four.
Led the church in growth, worship attendance increased (more than tripled) dramatically in a heavily Mormon community.
Guided the church to provide comprehensive discipleship training.
Encouraged the church to finish (completed October 2014) a million dollar + building project for a 350+ seat auditorium by leading and developing the “Finishing Strong” financial campaign to pay off new building construction. Giving to the building fund had been in excess of $400,000 (in the last five years), in addition to meeting and exceeding (financial gifts given) general budgets year by year.
Transitioned the church from committees to a team based ministry strategy.
Led the church to financially support directly Wyoming Church planters,
Provided leadership in encouraging the church to provide backpacks for needy children every year. Provided oil changes for single moms as friendship evangelism outreach. Facilitated a “Grief Share” small group.
Led the church to be in the top ten in baptisms (163 Professions of Faith and Baptisms since 2008) in the state of Wyoming, for several years. The church had also approved and met record budgets in a community that is more than 50% Mormon.
Led the church to staff a part-time Children’s Director, and with church approval (Fall 2017) for an Associate Pastor/Education full-time position.
Assistant Professor and Instructional Mentor
Liberty University - Lynchburg, Virginia
September 2010 – Present
Teaching students online from around the world.
Provide administrative management and mentoring for a team of online adjunct professors.
Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012.
Adjunct Professor
Golden Gate Seminary - Mill Valley, CA
Taught Baptist History, Baptist Polity, Old Testament, the book of Genesis, Ministry Foundations and New Testament Theology for diploma students in Southwest Wyoming.
Interim Director of Missions
Green River & Over Thrust Associations of Southwest Wyoming
Served as Moderator of the Green River Baptist Association.
Certified as a facilitator for “Building Powerful Ministry Teams,” Next Level Leadership Network, a division of the North American Mission Board.
Led development of the monthly newsletter to facilitate more communication between churches and ministries.
Encouraged pastors and churches through personal visitation to their church fields and by writing notes of encouragement to pastors and serving as a resource through preaching and teaching.
Provided council and assistance to churches going through conflict.
Senior Pastor
Mountain View Baptist Church - Lafayette, Colorado
Led in the church adding to their membership more than 70 people and baptizing more than 40 new believers.
Guided the church to set a new record for highest attendance on a Sunday.
Directed the church to begin home Bible studies and discipleship programs, which became more personal.
Led in leadership development and outreach, which both increased and became more intentional.
Led church in becoming debt free.
Senior Pastor
Southern Hills Baptist Church - Sioux City, Iowa
Led in the church adding to their membership of more than 80 people and baptizing more than 40 new believers.
Guided the church to begin two worship services to accommodate and accelerate growth, with an average combined worship attendance of more than 300.
Developed the revamping of the mid-week service which resulted in attendance increasing from 10 to 90.
Guided the church to purchase an additional seven acres of land for future expansion.
Helped church to utilize television in order to increase church exposure.
Led the church Sunday School attendance to increase more than 25% and mission offering amounts were the highest in the church’s history.
Senior Pastor
West Greeley Baptist Church - Greeley, Colorado
Led the church to add to their membership of more than 200 people, baptizing more than 80 new believers and worship attendance more than doubled.
Directed the church in renovating building and becoming debt free.
Guided the church to become involved in a clothing and food ministry, helped start a “Cowboy Church” in Kersey, Colorado and leading a worship service with a Bible study in the local jails.
Wyoming Highway Patrol - Green River, Wyoming
Worked closely with the officers, ministering to them with encouragement and support.
Colorado State Patrol - Greeley, Colorado
Senior Pastor
Berryton Baptist Church - Berryton, Kansas
Appointed Home Missionary, New Church Extension Division, North American Mission Board and a mission church of First Southern Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas.
Led the church in doubling their membership.
Guided church in starting new discipleship programs.
Directed the church in outreach with outdoor concerts, Vacation Bible School and Christian based weight loss program.
Senior Pastor
First Southern Baptist Church - Larned, Kansas
Encouraged the church to heal from past difficulties with integrity and leadership.
Led church in renovating facilities.
Directed church in starting a Christian daycare.
Began and taught a Bible Study in the local prison.
Senior Pastor
Washington Avenue Baptist Church - Rocky Ford, Colorado
Appointed Home Missionary, New Church Extension Division, North American Mission Board and mission church to First Southern Baptist Church in Pueblo, Colorado.
1989 - Led the church to be the second in the state of Colorado in baptisms among churches with less than 200 members, and seventh in the state without regard to membership size with over 100 professions of faith in Christ.
Guided the church in renovating facilities.
Led the church to begin outreach program and revamping of Wednesday night prayer service.
Musical Artist
1997- Present
2001 Recorded Vocal CD “Encouragement.”
Denominational Involvement
Church Growth Apprentice, North American Mission Board, 1988-1991.
Committee of Nominations Member, Southern Baptist Convention, 2001-2002.
Evangelism Committee Chairman, Longs Peak Association, Colorado, 1997-2001.
Evangelism Committee, Kansas, 1995-1996 and Colorado, 1989-1991.
Executive Board Member, Kansas/Nebraska Convention, 1993-1994.
Moderator, Longs Peak Association, Colorado, 2001-2002.
Preacher/ Place Committee, State of Iowa, 2003-2004.
Revival/Camp Speaker, North Carolina, Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma.
World Missions Conference Speaker, North Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma
and Georgia.
Certificate of Completion Adrian Rogers Pastor Training Institute, 2005
Certified as a Transitional Interim Pastor, 2008.
Preacher/ Place Committee, State of Wyoming, 2008.
Nominating Committee Chairman, Green River Baptist Association, 2013.
Member, Travelers Aide Ministry, 2010-2018.
Executive Board Member, Wyoming Baptist Convention, 2016-2018.
Moderator South Region, Wyoming Baptist Convention, 2016-2018.
Preached in a conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November, 2017.
Administrative team member for the Wyoming Baptist Convention
Executive Board 2018.
Preached at the Wyoming State Evangelism Conference, January 2018.
Member of the Administrative Leadership Team - Pikes Peak Baptist Association - 2020.
Personal Testimony and Calling
One Sunday, as I was listening to the sermon by Calvary Baptist Church, (Hendersonville North Carolina), Pastor Buddy Mullinax, I realized my need for salvation. I responded to the invitation and received forgiveness in Jesus Christ. I was a new creation! The following year our family moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado. I became active in a Southern Baptist church and began to grow in the knowledge of our Lord.
While attending a church encampment outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado in the summer of 1980, I experienced an inward stirring, a call to the ministry. Through the years, as experiences came, (youth ministry, leading music in worship services and nursing homes and other opportunities for preaching) I realized a definite and specific call - A call to vocational ministry. I appreciate this opportunity to share my life with you.
Available upon request.